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Natchez Housing Authority

Natchez, Mississippi

Public Housing

Natchez Housing Authority administers 293 Public Housing Units. Public Housing at Natchez Housing Authority is income-based, and the eligibility guidelines are set by HUD. If you have questions, would like to apply, or check the status of the waitlist for Public Housing, please stop by our office or call 601.446.5301.

Our Mission

The PHA's mission is to provide safe, decent, and sanitary housing conditions for very low-income families. The PHA is to promote personal, economic, and social upward mobility to provide families with the opportunity to make the transition from subsidized to non-subsidized housing.

As a staff, our mission is to assist families in obtaining affordable housing. Our task is to determine what we can do to achieve that goal fairly and with the highest degree of integrity.

What We Do

Established in 1969, Natchez Housing Authority offers adequate and affordable housing to serve residents of Natchez, Mississippi. We are committed to providing valuable resident opportunities. Natchez Housing Authority is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners and manages 293 Public Housing Units. We provide housing opportunities for low-income individuals, families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. We do not offer HCV (Housing Choice Vouchers) / Section 8 or Emergency Housing.


Our hours of operation for Maintenance are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:45 pm. For maintenance, please call 601.446.5301 Ext. 10 and provide information about your service request.

Considered maintenance emergencies are acted upon at once:

  • Clogged Sewage Backing Up
  • Exposed Wires
  • Fire (please dial 9-1-1 first, then call 601.446.5301 Ext. 10)
  • Flooding
  • Gas Leak
  • Leaking Hot Water Heater
  • Locked Out
  • No Electricity
  • No Heat (during cold weather)
  • Non-working Commode (if you only have one commode)

For Medical, Safety, or Life-Threatening Emergencies, please dial 911.

Considered emergencies, however, will receive service within 24 hours:

  • Broken Water Lines NOT causing flooding inside or outside
  • Electrical Breakers Tripped Off
  • No Cold Water
  • No Hot Water
  • Sink or Bathtub Stopped Up

Area Information

Utility Information

Map showing the location of Natchez in Mississippi.
Serving the City of
Natchez, MS

A Message From Our
Executive Director

My aim as the Executive Director is to serve as a leader and apply ethical principles to make a significant contribution to serving our community with affordable housing and opportunities for all. My vision is to create communities where poverty is alleviated, neighborhoods are healthy and safe, and all people can achieve full potential. As the Executive Director my responsibility is to also manage a team of employees to achieve organizational goals, improve communications and increase productivity within the team. I am happy to say that the Natchez Housing Authority has an outstanding group of employees who are professionally qualified and are willing to provide affordable and safe housing to strengthen the community we live in.

Janice Herbert, Executive Director

Domestic Violence Protections

The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA 2013) expands housing protections for victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking. Changes under VAWA 2013 include extending protections to survivors of sexual assault; allowing survivors who remain in the unit to establish eligibility or find new housing when a lease is bifurcated; providing survivors with emergency transfers; and additional notification to applicants and tenants of housing rights under VAWA. While these changes substantially extend VAWA's coverage to include most affordable housing programs, they provide no protection to tenants in private market-rate housing but do apply to tenants with vouchers in private market-housing.

The Natchez Housing Authority will provide all protection under VAWA 2013 to program participants and family members of program participants who are victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking from being evicted or terminated from housing assistance based on acts of such violence against them.

Learn more about VAWA here.

Map showing the location of Natchez in Mississippi.
Serving the City of
Natchez, MS